Double dura beam airbeds with mattress toppers - 100% Egyptian cotton white bed sheets, duvets and pillows, boho cushions and throws, boho Moroccan rugs, floor tables, mirrors, lamp, fairy lights inside and out, bunting, hanging handwoven macremes, plant and door mat
Jamie & Anneliese [AllThingsNice] 4m bell tent
Queen high-raised dura beam airbeds with mattress toppers and/or single futon floor mattresses with airbeds, 100% Egyptian cotton white bed sheets, duvets and pillows, boho cushions and throws, a variety of stunning Moroccan rugs, wicker/cream rugs, floor tables, mirrors, pouffes or wooden chairs, lanterns, fairy lights inside and out, bunting, hanging handwoven macremes, flowers and door mats
Non-refundable 28 days prior to event.